

Welcome to Southington Cub Scout Pack 19 website!


Pack 19 typically meets on Thursday nights at Joseph A. DePaolo Middle School from 6:30-8PM.


For more info or full access to this member site, email us at pack19scouts@hotmail.com


Check us out on facebook!   https://www.facebook.com/CubscoutsPack19/


Popcorn Fundraiser

Posted by Kshea061081 on Oct 14 2024 - 9:42am

Hello Pack 19 Families,

It’s that time of year. Please help out with this fundraiser for our pack. Every little bit helps even if it’s just for an hour or two. We have by the hour time slots to sign up for below through sign up genius. Please sign up for at least one shift. Any scout who sells at least $500 or more will get to pie the Cubmaster! 4 scouts all ready get to pie the Cubmaster! Will you be the next to get your golden ticket?

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